Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Can't take it
Monday, April 28, 2008
Completed drawing # 8 million 52

It's called "Lexi and Snickers". I'm guessing the baby is Lexi and the dog is Snickers. Although I could have that completely backwards. Some people like snickers (the candy bar) enough to name their kids after it- I'm not the judge here(mainly because I'm one of those people who might actually name their first born after a candy-bar...if the mood struck me).
This one is a unique drawing. It's got a poem on it (yeah yeah, you aren't getting the close up of the poem). This is only the second one that I have done with writting on it. The first was a wedding present for a friend that had a poem on it. I don't advertise that I do this style. But this woman, just so happened to be a friend of that friend who got the wedding present- so she knew.
I don't even think I posted a picture of the other drawing. Shame on me, right? Oh well.
This was a fun drawing to work on. Cute Kid, Cute Dog. Sweet Poem. It was fun.
Introductions needed

Friday, April 25, 2008
unrelated- completely
#2. I'm getting a lot of requests for drawings lately. Which is fantastic! But I can't help but wonder how this is happening all of a sudden. I mean yeah, I have a website, yeah, I've got window-clings, and jackets, and great friends and family who are spreading the word about the drawings and everything- but I'm so used to hearing "yeah, I'll contact you around Christmas time" that I just assumed I would have to stock pile my vacation time to use between the end of November and the beginning of December to accomidate all of these people. I'm just floored that everyone wants drawings...and NOW...not in 8 months! I'm a little more than excited about all of this, I just don't know how to express that other than blowing up into confetti.
#3. My computer blew up at work yesterday. I was sitting here, minding my own business, checking out TMZ.com attempting to find out if Dave Navarro was kissing a guy or a girl, when I hear a "zzzzzzzapp POP!" and everything quit...then smoke started billowing out of the computer, and I could smell burning electronics.
3a. Burning electronics Stink! The smell kind of made me want to throw up.
#4. So I've had a lot of free time at work (which yes means I should be working on all of those requests I was talking about- but the threat of rain has been every day this week, and I have no way to cover an 11" x 14" drawing tablet to transport from my car to the building, without getting the edges of the paper soaked- so it's been at home- no fear I spend no less than 3 hours a night working on these things- so I'm pretty much getting one drawing done a night), and I've discovered that I'm drawing a mermaid series. My sketchbook is covered with them. I know I said it was those Koi fish- but it's turned into Mermaids. So I think I'm going to have to do that somehow...make a series...digitally painted and post them. We'll see.
#5. I discovered the other day(yeah, I'm behind on the times- go ahead and laugh), that photobucket will print books of your photographs. Ok, I flipped out when I saw that. I'm so excited! What great publicity for ASBTSF, right???!!! Yeah, well- I haven't done it yet. But I thought it would be cool to scan all of my stuff in, or use the photos from my website to put in the book. Then sell them...or give them away (I'm really not even breaking even these days- everything I pay to have done for promotional stuff I give away...one of these days man...)
#6. Freaks and Geeks is quite possibly the best show that has ever been cancelled (2nd only to My So Called Life). I have been 1/2 watching it while drawing the last few nights and it is awesome (Netflix is fantastic, I'm just saying). I think when that was actually on the air I was watching Undeclared on the Fox network- which was also a great show.
#7. I hope my computer never blows up again- not having a computer for an afternoon and all morning makes me turn into a typing demon...and I just so happened to take it out on this blog.
Have a great weekened everyone!
Monday, April 21, 2008
photography anyone?

much these pictures don't show. While the car was driveable according to the tow-truck driver, it wasn't drivable for far distances.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
something else entirely
My jackets came in!!!!Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I really mentioned it before. I'm trying to be all...business- get the word out- savvy here. So I ordered up some memo pads, and pens, and window clings for my car, I've even got business cards. But hey, I thought "wouldn't it be great if I can promote myself with clothing?" When I first looked into doing this, it was a lot colder, and I'm cold natured anyway- so I always have a jacket or sweater on. So I ordered jackets to have the name of my company embroidered on them.The end result:

Honestly though, I didn't know that's where they were located when I began looking into getting them done. But yeah. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these jackets.

The logo looks fantabulous! (Ok, that's not my logo, I haven't yet figured out how to make my logo work with embroidery, so it's just the name for now.) I was pretty worried that these were going to come back all whonkie because the sample image of what their embroidery looks like has all of these gaps and things...but they don't have any gaps! They look fantastic!
So if you happen to be Tania, my mom, my dad, David, Rena or myself you will be the proud new owners of a jacket that looks like this :) (as soon as I see you next) If you aren't one of the above mentioned, but have an interest in promoting my business by way of your clothing, shoot me an email and we can discuss.
I am looking into getting some t-shirts printed up. They will probably be unisex though, just so I can get the most bang for my buck. Although I can already hear my heart breaking because they have some really cute shirts online...I might attempt some prototypes first with iron on transfers...we'll see. (those might end up for sale on my website- stay tuned)
One last look before I go:

this little piggie went to market, this little piggie...

I actually wanted to post about something else entirely, but I don't have the pictures with me to post...so it'll have to wait until another time.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Have you seen my sock?

From the side you can see that he's got 2 horn/pig tail things, and a tail...

Below, is "No Nonsense Nancy". I wish I had taken a picture of her back...between her ears it actually says, in pink, "No Nonsense"- it was the brand of socks I used. But yeah, she didn't actually have a name until yesterday. I've had her for about 3 months and she's just been sitting

Completed yet not completed
A little of this...a little of that...
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Eyes are on you...but not in a creepy way

Thursday, April 10, 2008
sketches for the bored
But I do have some sketches from my sketchbook to show you. I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned I've been keeping a sketchbook, to draw in, daily-if it so pleases me. That's exactly what I've been doing- everyday at work...pretty much.
Here are just a few:

I did this one, and decided that it would look nice painted in photoshop. I've yet to get it there. But once I drew this, I did decide to start painting a group of 3 Koi in acrylic on canvas.
I know I mentioned that already, but it's worth repeating (if for nothing else, than to remind myself that I really need to get back to working on that, and stop goofing off after work.)

But yeah, this one I like to think of a mermaid not being happy with sea-life, and just wanting to take off...she's got a baby mermaid too, I haven't decided if it's her baby, or if she stole it. There really could be a whole story here- I just don't want it to get all "Little Mermaid" on me, because every time I think of mermaids, that's what I think of.
Oh yeah, in case you can't tell, that's a fisherman's net full of fish she's holding on to. And those are bubbles, not drops of water. It just dawned on me that it looks like water droplets, instead of bubbles....dang it! Maybe I'll photoshop this one a little...or re-do it in some sort of sweet painting style...we'll see, my list of photoshop drawings is growing faster than I have time to crank them out.
I have more to share, but due to the sensitivity of their nature, I can't post them. Ok, that's not entirely true. I'm greedy, and don't yet want to share some of them with you- because...well...I'm working on a story, and they just so happen to be possibly characters. Once I get more comfortable with having them out there...for all of the web to see, then I'll see about posting them. But not until then. (or if I run out of stuff to draw and post....you know, cause that might happen)
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Because I like to Taunt you...
That back-flipping mermaid from 3 posts ago, is now appearing in photoshop. She's getting some color added to her grey graphic outline. No promise as to when you can expect to see that up here, but I am working on it.
A few nights ago I began an acrylic painting of some Koi fish. Much like the 3 pictured 3 posts ago. So far, only the background color has been painted. But rest assured, it's sitting on my drawing table, starring me in the face every day- so I'm not going to forget to go back to it.
I'm also awaiting the arrival of some photos for a commissioned piece- of a dog. That one won't take as long as these other ones- because we all know money talks.
That sounded bad.
I do love to do art work. However, when it's for my own enjoyment (back-flipping mermaid, and painted-Koi), I tend to take awhile, because...well...I don't like finishing my stuff. I like to always feel like something needs to be done. Whereas, the commissioned pieces- people want their stuff, and I've got deadlines I've promised. So those go out, lickedy-split.
I do need to scan some of the images in from my sketchbook, so you can see, that I have been drawing every weekday since the last week of March.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Props to my Pops
But last weekend...he shocked me. He once built me a 2D Animation Table (like that but no legs...and no black around the circle) while I was going to The Art Institute. This really shouldn't have shocked me I guess, but it did.
I saw THIS laying in the floor, next to all of my moms craft stuff, and I was like "did your scanner break?"
"Nope, look in it" they replied.
I opened the lid. In it was THIS. I just stared at it. GENIOUS!
Basically, my dad took all the guts out of the scanner and placing a light inside, because yes, the scanner did crap out when they moved to Texas. So with there really not being any electronic use for the thing, why not make it into a light box?
I've seen posts on various forums talking about taking the glass from a scanner out to make a light box...but this is an all in one. Only junk the bad part...not the whole thing. Plus, with the closing lid, you can keep the glass clean in between uses. OMG! Genious I tell you!!!
So if any of you out there, need a quick way to make an animation table get you one of these- glue it to the glass, or even part of the scanner under the lid, replace the inside of the scanner with a light- and you're good to go! I think it may work a little better as a light box...not an animation table, but hey! You work with what you can afford, right?
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The Greatest Person EVER!
She's fantastic! (I know I thanked you already in person...but a blog just sums it up more)
Seriously girl, that was really badass of you! Now I can view it at work, you can view it at work, heck, even my mom can view it at work! I'm so thrilled! You have no idea!!! I think if it hadn't been for you doing all of the leg work, my site would be doomed to only being viewable at peoples homes. It's great.
Now I can find things wrong with it at work, and go home and fix it :) (much like the watermarking issues that you pointed out).
THANK YOU TANIA! You are the greatest friend on the planet! You ROCK!
Oh yeah- The site...because I haven't mentioned it enough... www.ashadebetterthanstickfigures.com BooYah!
happy dance, happy dance!!!