I have so many on-going projects, and so many "need to get them done by Christmas" projects (granted the later of the 2 are all presents for family members), that my mind has officially traveled to "the bad place" and is acting like it doesn't want to have anything to do with knitting needles, or clay. FRUSTRATING! But at least it gives me time to draw! Something I'm really in the mood to do right now.
This weekend I worked on the sculptures that I can't really discuss in detail as of now, but will post pictures the minute I am able to. I attempted to finish sock number 3.5, and sadly only worked about 8 rows of the foot before deciding that crap TV was way better than knitting. Sadly I didn't work on any part of my dad's Christmas present- which means I'll be doing double time from here on out on his present, as well as the remainder of my parents, and friends presents.
I shrank my socks in the wash on Thursday night. Those lovely pink strippedy- ugliness socks from a couple of posts ago. But magically I can still fit my gigantic feet in them and stretch them enough that they fit. I'm amazed!
I actually dressed up on Halloween, as I mentioned on Friday...but afterwork I hit it to the 9's in rock-a-billy make-up, shirt and rolled pants with classic high heels. I totally felt like Rosie the Riveter! Then we went to Gonzo's mom's house and passed out candy to all of 10 kids. 10 kids! What the heck happened to kids and trick-or-treating??? We have so much left over candy that I'm bringing most of it to work in hopes that my co-workers will eat it all.
Yesterday Gonzo and I did something we swore we wouldn't do. We rented "The Happening". Please note that I am extremely picky when it comes to movies. Extremely picky. I loved the "6th Sense". I liked "Unbreakable". I own "Signs". I never saw "Lady in the Water". And nearly walked out of "The Village". M. Night Shama-lama-ding-dong has made it really hard for me to even want to get excited about his movies. Seriously. But I had already been told the gist of "The Happening", which really irritated me that that's how the movie went- prior to seeing it. But low and behold, the movie didn't suck. Sure some of the acting was bad. Some of the things that happened in the movie were really unbelievable. But over-all, for what it was, the movie was pretty good. I didn't think that it was a "horror" movie per-say. It was more of a suspense movie...with an R rating. Maybe even knowing what the end was, helped me like the movie? I don't know. But if you are ever bored some night and haven't seen it, "The Happening" will at least give you one or two laughs, and maybe one or two "duh" moments. Plus there's a lot of pretty sick and twisted things in there that will make you go "what in the..." yeah, so it's not bad. He's re-newed my interest in his movies. That could be a bad thing in the long run...but for now, I see it as a positive.
Please note! Drawing requests for holiday orders (to be delivered by December 24th, 2008) will now be accepted up until November 15th, 2008!!! Please get your orders in As Soon As Possible!!!
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