Friday, November 28, 2008

Elf vs. Garden Gnome

Doodle of the Day

This could totally be the next great UFC fight. You know...if Gnomes or Elves were allowed to cage fight. I'm pretty sure Santa is totally against cage fighting. And Gnomes...well...they have a deal with Travelocity, so I don't think the cage fighting gig would work out too well for them.

anyway. I started on a commissioned drawing this morning, didn't finish it, got bored- started knitting, didn't finish...and then this idea hit me for some retarded reason. Whatever.

10 calls so far. 3 faxes. Love the day after Thanksgiving. This is so much better than Christmas shopping with all of the crazies...did you hear about the guy who died at wal-mart in New York because of the people storming the doors??? Yeah, it's why I don't shop on this day.

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