Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Previous Post

The picture has been approved!!!

I did that drawing, of the little girl sniffing the flowers for a fundraiser in Wisconsin that will be taking place on February 16th. The Fundraiser is for a family that is adopting 4 children from Russia. The touching story can be found here

I have a soft spot for Wisconsin folk :D. And it turns out my High School Art teacher, and all around most talented artist, I know, referred me. Which is fantastic! I'm just glad I can be part of something that means so much. I wish I could be there in person for the fundraiser, unfortunately Texas is a tad too far to make a quick drive over for the festivities. Ah well, another time, another place.

Anyway- D if you read this- thanks for passing my name along, you're the best! (Thanks for teaching me everything I know about drawing!)

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